Nithyananda Sangha Family

SMKT Internal Registration

This page is only if you already are an SMKT

Please click here to visit the Registration page

  1. Currently being used by speific regions only
  2. Avoid submitting this form multiple times, it will result in duplicate entries.

Aadheenavasi Internal Registration

This page is only if you already are an aadheenavasi

Please click here to visit the Registration page

What is this section for?
  1. All initiated aadheenavasis need to register here
  2. If you are a non-aadheenavasi and want to become one, please don't fill this form.
  3. If you are a becomming an aadheenavasi but not completed SadaShivatva program, please wait, you will be told when to fill this form.
  4. Avoid submitting this form multiple times, it will result in duplicate entries.


Aadheenam Issue Tracking and Management tools


Please click here to visit the JIRA HOME PAGE

For any technical assistance related to JIRA or CONFLUENCE, please contact
  1. Sri Nithya Vedaswaroopa : Visit FB profileor call +19723135608 or email nithya.vedaswaroopananda(at)
  2. Sri Nithya Sharabheshwarananda : Visit FB profileor call +919102250555


Aadheenam Knowledge Base and Wiki

Please click here to visit the CONFLUENCE HOME PAGE

What is aadheenam confluence/wiki about
  1. Collaboration :Work and plan together on huge projects.
  2. Technical know hows :Example How to make a PO. How to fill C-Form. etc.


Dormitory and Room Accomodation

Currently this service is unable.


Aadheenam related manitenance services

What is the scope of maintenance team?Example :

  1. Electrical :Switch boxes, extension boxes, safety issues etc.
  2. Plumbing :Making sure there is no leakage etc.
  3. Carpentry :Making sure your furniture is ok :D
Currently this service is unable.


Medical services, dispensary, pharmacy & healing

For any medical please come to Room # N-01 Room - Old Block

Please click here to open vaidyalaya form
For any medical emergency requests call : +91-7259408025
Dr. Ma Atmaniranjana
Email :

Department Leads

Various Department and Point of contacts to be shared here (Section not complete)

Sri Paranapriya


Name Place Holder

Description Place Holder

Name Place Holder

Description Place Holder